Dara Bahri



I am a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind, based in the SF Bay Area, where I work primarily on improving language models.

Prior to that, I worked on recommender systems at Twitter (2016-2018) , where I was responsible for significant growth in the platform's active user base. From 2014 to 2016, I built out an internet-scale computer vision classification platform at a startup (acquired).

I graduated from UC Berkeley in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in 2013.

Among other things, I enjoy trail running, backpacking, high altitude mountaineering, classical music, gardening, painting, investing, and Fahrvergnügen. I am curious about many things, deeply humbled and inspired by the natural world, and I will rarely turn down an adventure or an opportunity to learn something new. Do not hesitate to reach out.


Work: (d)(last name)@google.com
Personal: (d)(last name)(123)@gmail.com
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